2021 Building the network of excellence

The year 2021 was marked by conducted research and analyses of all relevant stakeholders of the blue economy together with their capacities (human, technological, projects, equipment), in order to create a Map of excellence.

The Map of Excellence is an interactive tool for visualizing the innovation ecosystem and its main stakeholders, their expertise and technological specializations in research and innovation in the field of underwater robotics and sensors.

With aim to gather over 1000 innovation players on Map of excellence this tool allows you to search and connect with Croatian and Italian experts and organizations in projects and activities related to new technologies, projects, communities and clusters, industries and academies, research and development infrastructures, technology centers, technology and knowledge transfer.

Stakeholders are defined as companies, private and public institutions, policy makers, service providers (i.e. KIBS), citizens and NGOs, support bodies, clusters and associations, etc. which have scientific, public, business-related interests in the sector of underwater robotics and sensors and sea pollution activities.

The 2021 was marked by two round tables with policy makers – it is shown that by improving the conditions and policies at the strategic and operational level of cross-border cooperation between the private and scientific sectors can be created an environment that will encourage the development of new technological solutions and innovations in robotics and sensors with a mission to preserve and sustain the Adriatic Sea.

Innovamare academy has started with raising humain capacity through numerous educational modules and workshops. Innovamare academy has an aim to support knowledge and information transfer in different topics that are relevant for building cooperation and collaboration of innovation players for application of marine technologies in blue economy sectors.

The trainings and workshops we held included topics:

  • Intellectual Property Rights
  • Innovation ecosystem
  • New business models
  • Innovation and environmental sustainability
  • Spin offs
  • Technology transfer
  • Digital transformation

As a part of the InnovaMare project, one of the activities is the development of the Living Lab methodology and the concept of establishing the Adriatic Sea Living Lab for research and development of underwater robotics and sensors for monitoring, control and prevention of marine pollution. In the future we are aiming to develop underwater facilities that would be a testing ground in real environment for different blue technologies.

The aim of establishing Living Lab is to provide support to all stakeholders involved, and especially small and medium-sized enterprises, in their innovation process.

It was a year when we started with creating this web platform!  As a participant we hope you like it!  Get involved and join us on our journey!